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Financial Crisis Support Across the UK

An overhead view of to people sat on the floor going through their finances with text that reads Financial Crisis Support Guide

Written by

Georgina, Founder of Purpl

Published on

February 24, 2025

As someone who is disabled, I know first-hand how expensive it is living with a disability, not only as our community faces additional challenges including less employment opportunities and pay gap differences but also have to endure the additional financial strain caused by the cost of living crisis.

I set up Purpl to help reduce some of the financial burden for my community by providing discounts to offset some of the extra costs we face. But it’s also important to me that I help my community further with relevant guides for saving money as well as advice on how to get support.

If you or someone you know within the disabled community is facing financial hardship and crisis please read or share this article which explains the different financial crisis support that is available across the UK, in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Purpl accepts no responsibility for the content of third-party websites and cannot guarantee that all these services mentioned may be able to help. Please note that situations and funding change from time to time. Purpl offer this information to be helpful and in good faith.

In this Guide

What Support is Available for Financial Crisis?

Across the UK, there are a number of discretionary funds allocated through councils to help people who are facing financial crisis and vulnerability.

For England, this is called the Household Support Fund (HSF)
For Wales, this is called the Discretionary Assistance Fund
For Scotland, this is called a Crisis Grant or a Community Care Grant
For Northern Ireland, it is called the Discretionary Support or a Short-term Benefit Advance. 

This article looks at what is available and how you can apply for it. These funds are not only for disabled people, but for anyone who is struggling, vulnerable and in a crisis point where they cannot afford the essentials such as food, essential items or energy or water bills.

The primary objective of these funds is to provide crisis support to vulnerable households, ensuring they can afford essential items and services necessary for daily living. These funds were put in place by the government with the aim of alleviating immediate financial pressures and preventing long-term hardship among our most vulnerable populations.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) allocates funding to County Councils, which are responsible for administering the funds within their regions. Each council has the discretion to design and implement support schemes tailored to the specific needs of their local communities. This decentralised approach allows councils to address unique challenges and target assistance and support effectively.

Councils may distribute funds directly to individuals or through partnerships with local charities and community organisations. The methods of distribution can vary, including direct cash payments, vouchers, or in-kind support. For instance, some councils provide food vouchers to families during school holidays, while others may offer assistance with utility bills or essential household items.

Why Do People End Up in a Financial Crisis?

Vulnerable people in the UK may need to apply for funds like the Household Support Fund due to a range of factors that contribute to financial insecurity. 

Things like rising living costs, including energy prices, housing expenses, and food inflation, have grown significantly for many households, leaving them struggling to cover basic needs. 

Additionally, issues such as low-income employment, unemployment and barriers to accessible employment affect certain groups, including single-parent families, disabled people, and the older people.

Disability charity Scope say that on average disabled people face extra living costs of over £1000 a month compared to a non-disabled person and so it is easy to see how many people in the disabled community can be pushed into financial crisis.

Financial Support Available in England

If you are a vulnerable person experiencing a financial crisis in England, you can apply to the Household Support Fund (HSF)

The Household Support Fund is a UK government initiative designed to assist vulnerable households in meeting essential costs such as energy and water bills, food, and other necessities. 

The Household Support Fund is given by local councils across England to provide immediate relief to individuals and families facing financial hardship. You may be able to get help with essential costs from your local council and your council may also offer food vouchers to families during the school holidays.

Who is Eligible for the Household Support Fund (HSF)?

Eligibility for the HSF is determined by individual councils, leading to variations in criteria across different regions. Generally, the fund targets people and families who are vulnerable or unable to afford essential costs. Notably, recipients do not need to be receiving benefits to qualify for assistance. Moreover, receiving support from the HSF does not affect any existing benefits.

If you do get benefits, they will not be affected if you get a payment from a Household Support Fund scheme.

Georgina’s Money Saving Tips

Some councils may impose specific eligibility requirements, such as income thresholds or savings limits. For example, Dudley Council specifies that applicants must have household savings of less than £2,000 and an annual income below £40,000 (or £30,000 for single occupancy households) to qualify for a £200 payment.

A disabled woman is sat in her wheelchair na living room crying and a man is sat on a sofa next to her and is comforting her

Support Available Through the Household Support Fund (HSF) 

The Household Support Fund is designed to provide flexible support to meet a range of essential needs. The specific support offered varies by council, reflecting local priorities and the needs of residents. The types of assistance available can include:

  • Energy and Water Bills: Financial support to help with the cost of gas, electricity, and water services.
  • Food: Provision of food vouchers or direct food supplies to ensure individuals and families have access to nutritious meals.
  • Essential Items: Assistance with purchasing necessary items such as clothing, hygiene products, or household appliances.
  • Housing Costs: In exceptional cases, the fund can be used to support housing-related costs not covered by other schemes, such as rent arrears or emergency accommodation.
  • Other Essentials: Support for other essential needs, including broadband or phone bills, and essential transport-related costs like car repairs or fuel.

How to Apply for Household Support Fund (HSF)

The application process for the Household Support Fund differs across councils. Some councils require people to apply directly, while others may distribute funds automatically to eligible residents or through partner organisations. Applicants are typically required to provide evidence of their financial situation, such as income details, savings, and information about their household circumstances.

Given the variations in application procedures and eligibility criteria, if you are seeking assistance, you should contact your local council directly or visit the council’s official website for detailed information. 

You can use this search function to find your local council.

Financial Support Available in Wales

If you are living in Wales and are experiencing a financial crisis there is a Discretionary Assistance Fund available that provides two types of grant that you do not need to pay back. 

Emergency Assistance Payment (EAP)

A grant to help pay for essential costs, such as food, gas, electricity, clothing or emergency travel if you:

  • are experiencing extreme financial hardship
  • have lost your job
  • have applied for benefits and are waiting for your first payment

You cannot use it to pay for ongoing bills that you cannot afford to pay.

Individual Assistance Payment (IAP)

A grant to help you or someone you care for live independently in their home or a property that you or they are moving into.

What you can use the grant for

The grant will provide/supply:

  • a fridge or washing machine and other ‘white goods’
  • home furniture such as beds, sofas and chairs

Who is Eligible for the Discretionary Assistance Fund? 

For the Emergency Assistance Payment (EAP), you must:

  • be in extreme financial hardship (e.g. you have lost your job, applied for benefits and are waiting for your first payment or have no money to pay for food, gas and electricity)
  • be in a crisis situation and in need of immediate financial support
  • live in Wales
  • be over 16
  • have no other money (e.g. no  savings)

For the Individual Assistance Payment (IAP), you can only apply for a fridge or washing machine (white goods) and furniture through an approved partner. To be eligible for the Individual Assistance Payment you must meet the criteria in each of the following sections:

You must:

  • live in Wales
  • be over 16
  • have no access to other money and tried all other affordable sources of funding (e.g.credit union)
  • not be living in a care home (unless being discharged in 6 weeks)
  • not be in prison (unless being discharged in 6 weeks)
  • not be a member of a fully maintained religious order

You must be receiving one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • income based Jobseekers Allowance
  • income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Guaranteed Credit element of Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit (must have standard/personal allowance)

And finally, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • you are leaving a care home or institution (hospital, prison or  foster carer) after 3 months (minimum) to live independently
  • you want to stay living in the community rather than having to go into an institution (hospital or care home)
  • you are setting up home after an unsettled way of life
  • you need to move home quickly due to a relationship breakdown or domestic violence
  • you are going to care for a prisoner or young offender released on a temporary license

Please note that you cannot apply for a grant if you have:

  • already received a grant in the last 7 days
  • already received 3 grants in the last year
An elderly black couple are sat on a sofa looking through paperwork

How to Apply for the Discretionary Assistance Fund 

You can apply for the Discretionary Assistance Fund online, by post or phone:

Customer Help
Discretionary Assistance Fund
PO Box 2377
LL11 0LG

Telephone: 0800 859 5924 (10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday)
Email: [email protected]

What Happens After You Apply for the Discretionary Assistance Fund

Emergency Assistance Payment (EAP)

It takes 24 hours to process applications (made Monday to Friday). If your application is approved, you will get:

  • a PayPoint voucher or BACS payment for food, gas, electricity and emergency travel
  • vouchers to help you buy clothes

Individual Assistance Payment (IAP)

It takes 10 working days to process applications. If your application is approved, you will get:

  • other ‘white goods’ such as fridge or washing machine from AO Retail Limited
  • home furniture such as beds, sofas and chairs from The Furnishings Service (TFS)

If your application is not approved, they will write to you by post or email explaining the reasons. You can ask for it to be reviewed.

Financial Support Available in Scotland

If you are experiencing a financial crisis and live in Scotland you can apply for the Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF). This fund provides occasional support to those most in need. It is a National Scheme that provides discretionary awards. The Scottish Welfare Fund is administered by individual local authorities. 

The Scottish Welfare Fund provides two forms of discretionary grants: 

Crisis Grants

The Crisis Grant aims to help eligible people on low incomes meet immediate short-term needs arising from exceptional circumstances such as an emergency or disaster. 

Community Care Grants

The Community Care Grant aims to help eligible people on low incomes to establish or maintain a home. They can receive support if they are:

  • leaving care or at risk of needing to go into a care institution without grant support 
  • if they are leaving imprisonment or caring for someone who has been released from prison or a young offenders’ institution on temporary release 
  • if they have been homeless or living an unsettled way of life
  • if they, or someone in their household, are facing exceptional pressure

Who is Eligible for the Scottish Welfare Fund

To get a Crisis Grant through the Scottish Welfare Fund you need to be on a low income. This does not mean you need to be on benefits.

There’s no figure that confirms whether you’ve a low income. As a guide, if you’re on one of the benefits below, or your income is about the same as someone who is, it is more likely you will be able to get a Crisis Grant:

  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) – Income based
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – Income based
  • Universal Credit
A close up of a hand on a wheelchair wheel

How to Apply for the Scottish Welfare Fund

You can only apply for the Scottish Welfare Fund – Crisis Grant through your local council. You cannot apply through the Scottish Government. To search for your council please go the Scottish government website.

If you are not able to apply online or require help with your application, your council should be able to provide assistance and offer alternative options such as:

  • paper application form
  • email
  • phone

If you have any queries about your application or about the support available you will need to speak to your council.You also need to contact your council for any queries. For example, questions about payments or to check your application progress.

Please note that you can only get three Crisis Grants within a 12 month period, unless exceptional circumstances apply.

Financial Support Available in Northern Ireland

If you are in Northern Ireland  and have a financial crisis, you can apply for Discretionary Support or Universal Credit Contingency

What is Discretionary Support?

If you are in an extreme or exceptional situation or you are in a crisis you can apply for help from Discretionary Support. It will depend on your personal circumstances but you may beoffered either an interest-free loan or a grant that you would not have to pay back.

Discretionary Support can help with:

  • short-term living expenses (e.g. to buy food)
  • the cost of buying, repairing or replacing basic household items (e.g. a cooker)
  • travel expenses (in limited circumstances) 
  • rent you have to pay in advance to a landlord other than the NIHE

What is the Universal Credit Contingency Fund?

The Universal Credit Contingency Fund is a short-term living expenses grant available to vulnerable people in Northern Ireland. 

If you are in financial difficulty while you are waiting for your first full Universal Credit award to be paid. The Universal Credit Contingency Fund grant can help with the cost of living (e.g. to buy food, toiletries or cleaning materials or to top up your fuel meter).

Who is Eligible for Discretionary Support or Universal Credit Contingency Fund?

To be eligible for Discretionary Support you need to meet the following criteria:

  • you must have an extreme or exceptional situation or be in a crisis which puts your or your immediate family’s health, safety or well-being at significant risk
  • you must live in Northern Ireland
  • the crisis must have arisen in Northern Ireland
  • you must be over 18 or at least 16 if you do not have any parental support
  • your and your partner’s (if you have one) total annual income after deductions must not be more than £26,769.60. (Some types of income are not taken into account when assessing this figure and reductions can be made for expenses such as housing costs)
  • any money including savings you or your partner have may be taken into account 

Eligibility for Discretionary Support and whether you are awarded a grant or a loan will depend on your individual circumstances and, if appropriate, those of your immediate family. 

How to Apply for Discretionary Support or Universal Credit Contingency

To apply for either Discretionary Support or the Universal Credit Contingency you will need to give the following information:

  • your National Insurance number
  • information on your rent or mortgage
  • details of your income
  • details of your savings
  • your account details

To apply you will need to complete the online application form.

Impact on Communities

These funds play a crucial role in supporting vulnerable households across the UK. 

By providing emergency assistance, the funds can help reduce  financial stress for many people and their families, enabling them to meet essential living costs. The flexibility of the funds allow councils to address a wide range of needs, from utility bills to food and essential household items.

By allowing councils to provide the grants at a local level it means they can tailor the support to meet the specific needs of their community. This  ensures that assistance is both relevant and effective, addressing the unique challenges faced by residents in different areas.

Challenges and Considerations

While the funds provide vital support for people across the UK, there are challenges associated with its implementation. The variation in eligibility criteria and application processes across councils can lead to inconsistencies in access to support. 

Some individuals may find the application process complex or may be unaware of the assistance available to them.

Additionally, as the funds are not limitless, there is a risk that resources may be exhausted before the end of the designated period, potentially leaving some eligible individuals without support. 

Councils must manage the distribution of funds carefully to ensure that assistance reaches those most in need throughout the fund’s duration.


It can be really difficult seeking help when you are in a financial crisis but there is help available and please reach out to get support either directly with your council or through other charities that provide support. 

Step Change Debt Charity: offers free and independent debt advice.
National Debtline: you can speak to someone online, or call the advice line on 0808 808 4000. Helpline hours (Monday to Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9:30am-1pm).
Citizens Advice: provide information on debt and money

It may also be worth you filling in the Benefits Calculator to see if you qualify for any additional benefits

About the Author

Georgina, founder of Purpl, smiling in a pink patterned dress against a pastel background. Beside her, a message highlights her commitment to helping disabled people save money through exclusive discounts while advocating for accessibility, financial support, and independence. | Purpl disabled discounts, accessibility savings UK.

Georgina is the founder of Purpl, a platform dedicated to helping disabled people save money through exclusive discounts. Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and ADHD, she understands firsthand the financial challenges of living with a disability. Her mission is to work with brands to secure discounts that ease the cost of essential products, services, and everyday expenses for the disabled community.

As an ambulatory wheelchair user, Georgina knows how it feels to lose independence due to a disability. She is passionate about holistic therapies and diet to manage inflammation and stay as healthy as possible. Her goal is to make Purpl an essential resource for disabled people, offering practical support, advice, and financial relief.

Beyond Purpl, Georgina has a long-term vision to launch a foundation providing grants for disabled people who need extra financial support.

She lives in Hampshire, UK, with her husband, son, three stepsons, two cats, and a friendly Labrador. A keen reader, Lego enthusiast, and family-focused person, Georgina is committed to building a supportive, inclusive community for those navigating life with a disability.

Follow @Purpldiscounts on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok for the latest disability discounts, financial advice, and accessibility resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a food bank near me?

You can ask your nearest Citizens Advice to refer you to a food bank. Find your nearest Citizens Advice. You can also ask for a referral from your GP, housing association, social worker or local council. You can find your local council’s contact details on GOV.UK or search for food banks near you on the Trussel Trust website.

Can I get a Household Support Fund payment if I have savings?

No. This fund is for vulnerable people in crisis who don’t have savings or money to pay for essentials.

I am in debt, where can I get help?

Step Change are a national debt charity who have a team of experts that offer free, impartial and confidential debt advice to anyone who needs it.

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