Purpl Disabled Discounts

Extraordinary savings for extraordinary people

Purpl exists to fight for the disabled community by helping offset the additional costs that come from living with a disability.

We enable you to deliver discount offers to a closed group of disabled households who have a potential annual spending power of £274 billion.

Interested? Get in touch
Diverse collage of images: wheelchair user, amputee, Down's syndrome man, lady with artificial leg
A photo of Purpl founder Georgina with her two walking poles.

Hi, I’m Georgina, I have MS and I’m disabled.

Every day I’m impacted by the increase in the cost of living that being disabled forces on me. It’s doubly unfair and feels like an unseen burden on the disabled community.

I wanted to do something about it, so I created Purpl – a discount program specifically for the disabled community that’s focused on helping offset those extra costs.

Purpl aims to revolutionise the way brands connect with and support the disabled community through a discount program that goes beyond transactions, giving brands the opportunity to make a meaningful impact by helping to reduce the unseen financial burden that affects the disabled community.”
Georgina, Purpl Founder

The Disability Market Potential

Disabled woman in a wheelchair bowling.

16 million people

There are over 16 million disabled people in the UK, a community that is growing year on year.

Young woman with prosthetic arm typing on laptop while sitting at office desk.

£274 billion market

Disabled households have a spending power of over £274 billion per year according to the latest research by The Purple Pound.

A lady sat in her wheelchair by the window looking thoughtful.

£17.1 billion loss

UK retailers are missing out on up to £17.1 billion per year by ignoring disabled shoppers and their families according to research by Clickawaypound.

The value to your brand

  • Attract new customers and increase loyalty with discounts designed for this closed group of disabled members, accessing the £274 billion annual spending power of disabled households.
  • You will be able to instantly validate the disability status of your customers through our verification technology, ensuring you retain control over this valuable marketing channel.
  • Partnering with Purpl will help you demonstrate your brand commitment to making positive impacts, aligned to your CSR initiatives allowing you to to grow your Social Return on Investment (SROI).
Interested? Get in touch
Teenage Boy Using Sign Language

Our brand partners, growing everyday

  • Haier logo

    We are excited to be partnering with Purpl on this fantastic new opportunity. It’s a great solution to help us support the disabled community”

  • Somerset Toiletry Company logo

    We were impressed with the verification process and its ability to ensure a closed group solution. It’s great to be able to help a worthy community”

  • Hoover logo

    Supporting the disabled community through Purpl not only delivers a fantastic commercial opportunity, but also a strong CSR and brand reputation outcome”

A young smiling man with Down syndrome in an art workshop with a group of students.

Giving Programme

At Purpl, we’re dedicated to making a difference for as many people as we can. We’re committed to partnering with disabled charities and will donate a portion of our revenue so we can support the disabled community even further. We’re working through the process of setting all of this up so will be bringing you more updates on this in the future, including details of the first charity we’ll be supporting.

Do you want...

  • A closed group opportunity focused on the disabled community
  • A worthy audience with strong spending power that delivers against your CSR needs and drives great brand reputation
  • To harness the power of our disabled discount program.
Interested? Get in touch
Happy couple: man pushes woman in wheelchair with shopping bags