Support / Troubleshooting
As a new business we are still working on improving the user experience and recognise there are issues that need resolving.
Please read below before contacting us as you may find the answer to the problem you are having.
Please don’t keep uploading a failed photo – if it fails, read the error message and fix the problem or wait for us to contact you (normally within 24 hours) – look out for our email as it may fall into your junk. Our email address is at the end of this page.
Most common ‘fails’ when uploading a document
- If your letter doesn’t have a future valid expiry date, it must be less than two years old. If your expiry date is on a 2nd page please upload that page as well as the first page.
- Not choosing the correct item from the dropdown list to match document type – ensure PIP matches PIP
- Creases, shadows or reflections on the photo – in this case we will manually verify as long as a human can read the information.
- Document has expired – please uploaded a different document
- Your benefit letter has no expiry date – you can upload a 2nd page which shows the date – we will then manually verify
- You are not taking a photo of the whole document from edge to edge – please retake the photo
- Image is upside down or sideways – please retake the photo
- More than one document in a photo – please retake the photo
- File is too large or is a PDF – we don’t accept PDF documents if that’s all you have please email it to us and we will add your details for you
- We do not accept bank statements, screenshots of text messages, hospital / consultant letters or any other unofficial documents due to our system only recognising standardised documents. Please refer to our upload guide.
- We do not accept Carer documents however you may upload on behalf of another person (adult or child) as long as you have their consent to use their documents.
Additionally these are common issues with specific document types
Blue Badge will fail if:
– you don’t upload the Photo Side of the blue badge
PIP letter will fail if:
– our system can’t see the National Insurance reference at the top left
– we cannot see your name details on the uploaded page
– the letter is older than 2 years and has no future expiry date
– it is not a standard benefit letter e.g. court appeal letter – we will manually verify if it has a future expiry date and other required information like NI and name
Disabled Train Pass (digital) will fail if:
– if you only upload an image of the front screen, we need to see the QR code and the badge number – you may need to upload two images
If we manually verify you – you will receive an automated welcome email from the system followed an hour later by a Welcome email with advice on how to use the website.
Common Issues once Verified
- The verification upload box keeps appearing – this is a glitch we are working hard to fix but you can resolve this just log out and then log back in and that should fix it. If you have received the ‘Welcome’ email you are definitely registered.
- You receive a ‘Verification reminder email’ after being verified – this is just a time glitch where the backend system hasn’t updated in time. Just ignore it.
- Code doesn’t work – please ensure you have read the terms for the offer – sometimes it is for new customers only or there are other criteria
- Please don’t store codes, some codes are fixed and some are single use – either way they are always subject to change. Plus in order for Purpl to giveback to the disabled community we need the commission from your purchase. We only get this when you click the ‘shop offer’ every time before your use the code.
Finally before contacting us read our upload guide and double check you are doing everything correctly and/or watch our video on YouTube
If your document has failed and you haven’t received a Welcome Email (comes from [email protected] / Purpl Disabled Discounts) or a support email from [email protected] within 48 hours (typically 12 hours) then please check your junk folder as it will most likely be in there and reply to us so we can help.
If your issue isn’t resolved with the above information then please email us [email protected] and keep an eye out for our reply which is normally within 24 hours – it is likely to go into your junk folder. You can always contact us via our Facebook or Instagram accounts @purpldiscounts
Thank you